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Parisek, C.A., F.A. De Castro, J.D. Colby, G.R. Leidy, S. Sadro, and A.L. Rypel. Reservoir ecosystems support large pools of fish biomass. Scientific Reports 14, pp.9428. doi 10.1038/s41598-024-59730-z. BioRxiv. pdf.

       Media Coverage:


Parisek, C.A., M.P. Marchetti, and M.R. Cover. Morphological plasticity in a caddisfly that co-occurs in lakes and streams. Freshwater Science 42(2), pp.161-175. doi 10.1086/725455. EcoEvoRxiv. pdf.


Rypel, A.L., P. Saffarinia, C.C. Vaughn, L. Nesper, K. O’Reilly, C.A. Parisek, M.L. Miller, P.B. Moyle, N.A. Fangue, M. Bell‐Tilcock, D. Ayers, and S.R. David. 2021. Goodbye to “Rough Fish”: Paradigm Shift in the Conservation of Native Fishes. Fisheries 46(12), pp.605-616. doi 10.1002/fsh.10660. pdf.

       Media Coverage:

Smits, A.P., B. Currinder, N. Framsted, L.C. Loken, D. Lucero, K.A. Neal, C.A. Parisek, J. Sickman, and S. Sadro. 2021. Watershed and lake attributes dictate landscape patterns of resource flows in mountain lakes. Water Resources Research 57(4), p.e2020WR027673. doi 10.1029/2020WR027673. pdf

Select Presentations


Parisek, C.A., S. Sadro, and A.L. Rypel. 2023. Food Webs of 10 Lakes Before and After a Mega-Wildfire. 40th Annual Salmonid Restoration Federation Conference. Fortuna, CA. Healthy Fire, Healthy Fish: Fates Intertwined, Strategies Aligned Workshop. Invited talk.


Lindblad, K.*, C.A. Parisek, E. Tita*, F. De Castro*, G. Leidy, and A.L. Rypel. 2020. Relationships between Reservoir Characteristics and Fish Species Biomass in the USA. Poster. American Fisheries Society 150th Annual Meeting. pdf


De Castro, F.*, C.A. Parisek, J. Colby*, G. Leidy, and A.L. Rypel. 2019. Standing Stock Fisheries Biomass and Production across All USA Reservoirs. Poster. American Fisheries Society & The Wildlife Society Joint Annual Meeting. Reno, NV. pdf

Parisek, C.A., S. Sadro, and A.L. Rypel. 2019. Abundance and distribution of lakes in California’s Sierra Nevada. Presentation. Society for Freshwater Science Annual Meeting. Salt Lake City, UT.


Invited Panelist. Teaching and student professional development in Freshwater Science between the UC-CSU (University of California - California State University). 2018. Cal-SFS & California Aquatic Bioassessment Workgroup (CABW) Joint Annual Meeting. Davis, CA.

Cover, M.R. and C.A. Parisek. 2018. Authentic undergraduate research experiences in general biology labs inspired by freshwater ecology and aquatic entomology. Presentation. Society for Freshwater Science Annual Meeting. Detroit, MI.

Parisek, C.A., M.P. Marchetti, and M.R. Cover. 2018. Who is on my rock?: The ecological and evolutionary dynamics of aquatic insects crossing lotic-lentic boundaries in the Lakes Basin, Sierra Nevada, California. Presentation. Society for Freshwater Science Annual Meeting. Detroit, MI.


Parisek, C.A. and M.R. Cover. 2017. Who’s on my rock?: Lotic insects in lentic environments in the Lakes Basin, Sierra Nevada, CA. Presentation. Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting. Portland, OR.


Parisek, C.A., B.W. Taylor, and S.A. Wissinger. 2016. Testing nutrient limitation on benthic algal biomass across elevational and permanence gradients in alpine ponds. Presentation. Rocky Mountain Biological Lab. Gothic, CO.

* undergraduate



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